Manuel Villanueva
Avanfi Institute, Spain
Manuel Villanueva MD, PhD, is Medical Director of Avanfi Institute Institute in Madrid, President of AECE (Spanish Association of Ecoguided Surgery) and Director of Unit for Ultrasound-guided surgery of Hospital Beata Maria, Madrid. Dr. Villanueva is the fi rst Spanish orthopedic surgeon awarded by the AAOS (American Association of Orthopedic Surgeons) for surgical techniques (currently awarded in four times, including several Certifi cate of Merit). Author of eight surgical techniques included in the Educational Media Program of the AAOS, the most prestigious institution in the fi eld of orthopedics and many international conferences and publications. Dr. Villanueva is the fi rst surgeon in the world awarded by the AAOS for Ultrasound-guided ultraminimally invasive surgery. He is involved in research and teaching of these techniques and currently performs more than 20 surgical procedures guided by ultrasound.
Abstract : Ultrasound-guided ultraminimally invasive carpal tunnel release