
Arthropathy is a collective term for any disease of the joints. A myriad of arthropathic disorders can afflict the joints, including sacroiliitis which causes inflammation in the sacroiliac joint, Charcot's joints which lead to the degeneration of a joint due to nerve damage, and arthrogryposis which results in joint contractures. The enteropathic arthropathies are a group of rheumatologic conditions that share a link to gastrointestinal (GI) pathology. The inflammatory myopathies are a group of diseases that involve chronic muscle inflammation, accompanied by muscle weakness.  Another word for chronic inflammation of muscle tissue is myositis. Muscle inflammation may be caused by an allergic reaction, exposure to a toxic substance or medicine, another disease such as cancer or rheumatic conditions, or a virus or other infectious agent, Orthopedic nursing should be done by the orthopedic nurse and orthopedic nurse practitioner with care in such conditions. The chronic inflammatory myopathies are idiopathic, meaning they have no known cause.  They are thought to be autoimmune disorders, in which the body’s white blood cells (that normally fight disease) attack blood vessels, normal muscle fibers, and connective tissue in organs, bones, and joints.

Under this track, various topics will be discussed which will explore various aspects of these diseases such as Diagnosis of myopathies, Spondyloarthropathy, Anti-synthetase syndrome, Reactive arthropathy, Enteropathic arthropathy, Diabetic arthropathy, Crystal arthropathy.

Worldwide incidence of inheritable myopathies is about 14 percent. Of all inheritable myopathies, central core disease accounts for 16 percent of cases; nemaline rod myopathy accounts for 20 percent; centronuclear myopathy accounts for 14 percent, and multicore myopathy accounts for 10 percent.Worldwide incidence of inflammatory myopathies is about 5–10 per 100,000 people.

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